
Ardens Clinical

Ardens Clinical provides three packages on EMIS Web and SystmOne which contain a varying amount of localisation, including Starter, Plus and Pro.



Ardens Starter has resources based on national guidance including:

Consultation Templates, Care Plans, Diaries, Scores, Screening Templates, Diagnostic and Referral Criteria, Procedure Templates, Consent Forms, Formularies (SystmOne only), Drug Monitoring Templates, QOF and National Enhanced Services Resources.

Local Enhanced Services

The LES templates & reports ensure all your local service specifications are all in one place. This saves you hunting in folders for this & wasting valuable time. All you need to do is email us a copy of your service specifications and we’ll do the rest. If any changes or updates are made, please just remember to let us know too. For further information please see the Support Desk Article.


End of Life Prescribing (SystmOne only)

Ardens Plus greatly simplifies End Of Life prescribing. To access the ‘End of Life’ template go to autoconsultation > ardens Consultations D – L. At the bottom of the ‘End of Life’ template is a link to the ‘EOL Formulary’. On the EOL formulary click to prescribe & print your EOL medications. Then click the ‘Community Drug Chart’ which automatically merges the prescribed drugs, so you can just check, print & sign. You can also see a short video demonstration of the End of Life templates here

eol chart

Local Referral Forms

With Ardens Pro referral forms can be localised for your CCG. For example, Portsmouth CCG now have all their urgent 2 week wait, routine, prior approvals & community referral forms easily accessible all in one place. This has helped standardise & improve the referral process. The CCG and/or GP Practice just need to inform Ardens of any new referral forms or changes to existing forms. We will then make these updates, saving you time and hassle. A Directory of Services can also be provided but is dependent on the CCG having a ‘SystmOne CCG Reporting Unit’ and granting Ardens the appropriate access rights to this unit. In most cases, we will only be able to provide this service if your CCG has a contract with Ardens. For further information, please see this Support Desk Article. (Please note that this does not include localisation of practice specific, in-house documents and letters.)


Local Formularies (SystmOne Only)

With Ardens Pro certain formularies can be localised for your CCG. For example, the Isle of Wight CCG has a localised End of Life Formulary which has helped standardise prescribing and has also provided cost savings. The CCG and/or GP Practice just need to inform Ardens of any specific changes to the existing Ardens formularies that are required. We will then makes these updates and ensure a Clinical Governance process is followed. Local CCG formularies can only be provided if a direct relationship is held between Ardens and the CCG Medicines Management team. For further information, please see this Support Desk Article and this Formulary List. (Please note that this does not include localisation of practice specific formularies or dispensing items.)

Local Formularies


If you have any CCG or locality pathways, simply forward these on to us. We’ll ensure they are incorporated in Ardens so that they can be easily accessed & followed. (Please note that this does not include localisation of practice specific pathways.)

Ardens Manager

For information about the separate Ardens Manager packages, please see here